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Serving Leesburg, Virginia
Now scheduling 2024 season

Mowing and Edge Trimming

Quality service is your best value

If you don’t choose your hair salon based on who offers the cheapest haircut, why select a lawn mowing service just because it offers the lowest-price cut? The lowest price may not be your best value.

What makes a quality cut?

It begins with properly maintained equipment: a mower with blades that have been sharpened and adjusted to the appropriate height for the weather conditions. During the spring, when the grass is growing rapidly, it can tolerate being cut shorter. However, the blade should be adjusted higher during summer. Cutting grass too short stresses the grass, which will make it thin out and be more susceptible to heat, drought, pests and disease.

The mowing pattern should be varied each time. Mowing in the same direction all the time can compact the soil and create ruts in the lawn. Passing over the lawn in different directions creates a carpet-like appearance and keeps grass healthy and standing upright.

We schedule mowing according to the needs of your lawn, not according to the calendar. For example, grass should be cut less frequently during hot, dry weather. Cutting the grass while the lawn is still wet after a heavy rain should be avoided.

Edging gives your lawn a manicured look and also helps prevent grass from invading flowerbeds, driveways, walkways and patios. However, power edging tools can be abused by some lawn services trying to rush through your lawn in record time and move on to the next job, damaging your shrubs, plants, and structures in the process. We take care to trim carefully and responsibly.

To finish, all grass clippings on paved surfaces are blown back into grassy areas, leaving a clean, neat appearance.